My Cat Keeps Throwing Up – Is This Normal?
If you’re a cat owner, you know all too well that cat vomit can be an unfortunately common part of loving your furry baby. You know the signs – the groans, the choking noises, and then… the vomit. You’re running off for the carpet spray and your cat is walking away, content like nothing even happened. However, what does it mean when your cat keeps throwing up? Is it normal? How much is too much and why does it keep happening? There are many reasons your cat keeps throwing up and, thankfully, most of them aren’t serious.
Reasons Your Cat Keeps Throwing Up
Most common house cats throw up one to three times per month. Here are a few reasons why your cat might keep throwing up:
- Hairballs. The most common reason your cat keeps throwing up is from grooming. Cats are meticulous groomers. Unfortunately, their stomachs aren’t fond of digesting all that cat hair. If your cat’s vomit is clumpy and hairy, don’t fret. Hairballs may be gross, but they aren’t reason for concern.
- Eating too quickly. Like humans, if cats eat too much too quickly, they may become sick. Especially in multi-cat homes where they feel territorial over their food, cats often will eat too quickly. If your cat throws up after eating, but appears fine the next minute, this is probably the reason. Try giving your cat smaller portions of food spread throughout the day or separating your cats’ food bowls if you have multiples cats.
- Your cat ate something cats should not be eating. Cats are curious creatures and will try to eat things they shouldn’t. Toilet paper, human food, toys, grass… the list is endless. If your cat is a curious eater, it’s a good idea to cat-proof inedibles as much as possible.
- Allergies. If your cat appears to be throwing up after eating, another possibility is they’re allergic to something in their food. This is not at all uncommon. They may also be having trouble adjusting to the food, if it’s new. When trying out a new food, ease them into it by weaning them off the old and onto the new by mixing the two foods together at first.
When Is It Time to See the Vet?
The above reasons are all common occurrences in household cats. If your cat throws up and appears unbothered shortly after, monitor the situation, but don’t be alarmed. If it happens multiple times per week, a call to the vet might be in order. However, if your cat vomits multiple times over multiple days, becomes distant and isn’t eating, or you notice blood in your cat’s vomit, call the vet immediately. These are signs of more serious sickness or that your cat might have eaten something dangerous or poisonous. If you’re not sure and are worried about why your cat keeps throwing up, call The Cat Clinic at Cherry Hill at 856-662-2662. We are always happy to help and want your cat to be healthy. In the meantime, give your kitty lots of love and invest in some good carpet cleaner!
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