You and Your Kitty – A Love for the Ages
Whether you’re single or just socially distancing this Valentine’s Day, you may be looking to your kitty to keep you company this February 14th. That’s cool, though. We all know that your kitty is the actual love of your life. Who has else been there for you through thick-and-thin, uncaring what you look like or whether you’ve actually got your life together? Your kitty doesn’t care and they love you know matter what! So show some love to the kitty in your life this Valentine’s Day by giving them what they really want – snuggles, food, and these Valentine’s Day gifts for cats!
Fun Valentine’s Day Gifts for Cats
Regular gifts for cats and Valentine’s Day gifts for cats aren’t really so different, but in case you can’t think of what to get your kitty, here’s some ideas:
- Catnip: Yep. Pour yourself a nice drink and give that kitty some catnip. The two of you can snuggle up on the couch feeling nice and mellow. We know your cat doesn’t mind watching those cheesy rom-coms, as long as they’re with you!
- New Food and Water Bowls: When was the last time your kitty got a new food bowl? Cracks and warps in their bowls can build up harmful bacteria. Get them a new bowl, and if you’re really feeling the love this Valentine’s Day, we know your kitty will love a heart-shaped one!
- New toys: Kitties deserve some variety in their life, just like us! They get bored of the same toys, even if they’re well-loved. Get your kitty some new mice toys, string toys, scratching posts, or whatever type of toy your cat likes best. Players gonna play, and you should play with them!
- Treats: No explanation necessary.
Happy Valentine’s Day from The Cat Clinic at Cherry Hill
If you’re like us, your heart belongs to your kitty. So show that kitty some extra special love this year with some Valentine’s Day gifts for cats. And to ensure the love story you share with your cat continues for many years, make sure to schedule regular vet appointments with the Cat Clinic at Cherry Hill. Call us to schedule yours at 856-662-2662! Happy Valentine’s Day!