The hairless variety of any animal can be quite an unusual sight, but those who own the unique-looking Sphynx cat can tell you that what they lack in fur they more than make up for in personality! These kitties are among the most affectionate and playful feline breeds out there, proving the mood-boosting benefits of owning a cat. They love attention, which they typically don’t have a problem getting from the vast number of people who are intrigued by their striking appearance. This cat’s beauty is more than just skin-deep! The Cat Clinic at Cherry Hill is here to share some hair-raising facts about Sphynxes…
They aren’t completely hairless. Sphynxes may not have the thick fur coat of other cat breeds, but they are not totally bald! If you’ve ever actually handled this breed, you know that it’s a bit similar to holding a wrinkly suede pillow. A soft, barely visible layer of fine hair covers this kitty from head to tail. Additionally, colors and patterns on their skin are often apparent and can give you an idea of what they might look like with fur.
They are the perfect socialites. Friendships with other cats, friendly dogs, and children are not only possible, but very likely. Sphynxes naturally enjoy company and can live peacefully with other animals. They are also more likely to want to be held or snuggled for warmth. (If you’re particularly considerate, get your Sphynx cat a few sweaters to wear when the house gets chilly; he will appreciate the extra layer and look more dapper than ever.)
Skincare is important! This breed may not need brushing, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely off the hook as far as grooming goes. The soft skin of Sphynx cats can be sensitive and needs moisturizing lotion. It’s also a good idea to apply a light coat of sunscreen to avoid burns from harsh sunlight if he likes to catch some rays outside or on the windowsill. These high-maintenance kitties need weekly baths as well to keep their skin from getting too oily. If you find that your kitty is having dermatological issues, be sure to bring him to your trusted Cherry Hill cat veterinarian for prompt treatment!
They hail from Canada. We can just imagine the shock when the first domestic hairless kitten was born in 1966 in Toronto, Canada. A naturally recessive genetic mutation, this hairless feature was intentionally bred for throughout the subsequent years, and the Sphynx breed was established.
Believe it or not, you could be allergic to them. People often think that a cat without fur is the ideal pet for someone with allergies, and we can’t blame them for making that assumption; however, Sphynxes do produce the allergenic protein “Fel d 1” in their saliva that triggers the typical itchy, watery-eyed reactions of allergy sufferers. It’s said that they produce lower levels of this allergen than most felines, but you’re better off with a Russian Blue or Siberian cat if you really want to play it safe.
Owning a Sphynx may require a little extra maintenance, but you are rewarded with ample affection and entertainment from your feline companion. If you have questions or concerns about your cat, don’t hesitate to contact the experts here at our office. As the best cat veterinarian in Cherry Hill, we’re happy to answer any inquiries and set up appointments for your beloved four-legged family members!